Monday 5 June 2017

Email Security Service Providers

The advent of email has greatly increased business productivity and profitability. It is faster than regular mail and more efficient than the phone. Email allows us to conduct business all over the country – even all over the world. The problem is, the bad guys know we can’t function without it and they continually try to use it to our detriment. And they are getting better and better at it.

That’s why it is enormously important to have a secure email service provider. Even if you are very careful, you can’t trust that your recipients are being careful with data you send them. You need to protect your data from every angle, and that’s what an email service provider will do. Many IT support and consulting services will offer email security as part of their package. Here are some examples of their services:

    Spam filtering

    Phishing detection


    Attachment scanning

    And more

Email is the gateway to your data. If you get fooled by a spoofed email, your company could find itself in very real jeopardy. A best practice for all modern, growing businesses is to make sure emails are protected by an email service provider.